Monday, June 8, 2009

Hong Kong Economy and Politics

Hong Kong is an economically independent society that is mainly assisted by the laissez-faire capitalism. As far as Hong Kong Economy and Politics goes there has been a noted expansion in the sectors of foreign trades and dealings. The main business partners of Hong Kong has been countries like Mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, the United States, Germany, Singapore, and South Korea.
Hong Kong witnessed an upsurge in its economic growth due to the presence of its manufacturing sector that accounts to about 85% of GDP. Hong Kong Economy and politics are served with sectors like shipping, civil aviation, tourism, along with financial services. Telecommunications and information technology manages the countries infrastructure thereby being a major source for revenue generation.
Agriculture and fisheries are the major industries of the region with production of resources like fresh vegetables, poultry, fish, pork and much more. Hong Kong is even reliant on secondary industries like clothing, textiles, electronics, plastics, toys, watches and clocks. The tertiary sectors based on finance and legal services are the major sectors that financially back up the region as illustrated in Hong Kong Economy.
The goods that are exported from this province are clothing, textiles, footwear, electrical appliances, watches, clocks, toys, plastics and precious stones. The imports commodities of this region are foodstuffs, raw materials, transport equipment, semi manufactures and petroleum.
As far as the Politics part of ,Hong Kong Economy and Politics goes, the province falls under the legislature of People's Republic of China. The government is head by the Chief Executive within a pluriform multi-party system. The executive power of the province lies in the hand of the Chief Executive who in turn manages Hong Kong's Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Get unicameral Legislative Council within the Legislative Unit of Hong Kong. The judicial powers are vested in the hands of courts that look after the law and order of the region.
Hong Kong Economy and Politics believes in the strategy of "one country, two systems" thereby exercising liberal government along with a democratic rule. But there has always been an inadequate option for voting during special elections as seen in the case of the head of government who is not chosen directly but through an electoral college.

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